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NuPrime Stream Mini
2 990 kr
NuPrime Stream Mini
The NuPrime Omnia Stream Mini is a multi-room streaming receiver capable of Wi-Fi 24-bit/192kHz and Bluetooth streaming. Its versatility and ease of use make it an excellent choice for both music lovers and audio enthusiasts, as it offers fast and straightforward streaming from online services (Amazon Music, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Napster, QQ Music, and others), and network storage (DLNA NAS), to audiophile-grade powered speakers.
- Spotify
- Tidal
- Airplay 2
- Wi-Fi 24-bit/192kHz
- Bluetooth
- Multizon
- Endast 88x55x24mm (BxDxH)
Stereo | |
Digital utgång (Transport)
Ja |